Harold's Angels

Pink is now our favorite color!

Friday, August 25, 2006

24 days and counting.....

There's only 24 days left until the Race for the Cure team registration deadline. As of today, we have 4 team members signed up and a total of $270 donated in Harold's (HK's) honor. Thank you also to all of our "corporate" sponsors. Once all of the details are figured out, we will be letting everyone know who they are. Hopefully by the middle of next week we will be able to reveal the team shirts.

Please use the links to the right of the page to register for the race, make a donation, or get more details about race day. Anyone who would like to submit a paper application can fill out the form and email me at jmesserunc@yahoo.com. We can then make further arrangements.

Also, don't forget to post your thoughts, prayers, or funny stories to Harold (HK) in the comments section of any of our posts. This is your chance to let Harold (HK) know that we are all rooting for him.

And the most important part to remember.....THIS IS A SECRET......DON'T TELL HAROLD (HK).

Hope to see you all at the race.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Calling All Potential Team Sponsors...

Calling all team sponsors: We're planning to have t-shirts made with the team's name (Harold's Angels) and slogan (Pink is now our favorite color!) so that everyone will know who we are and why we're participating. If you are a company or an individual who would be willing to sponsor the team t-shirts (in exchange for a little advertising space), please let us know ASAP.

Let's get started! (Shhhhhh. Don't tell H.K.)

Come one, come all. On Saturday, October 7, the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure will be held at Gateway Village in uptown Charlotte. Mike DeBerry and Jessica Messer invite you to be a part of their team: "Harold's Angels".

By now, most of you are aware that Mike's uncle, Harold (H.K.) Davis, was diagnosed with breast cancer in late May 2006, had surgery in June, and is now undergoing treatment. So, with Jessica's RFTC team-organization expertise, we plan to pull one over on ol' H.K. If you are able to walk a mile, run five, make a donation, or just leave a comment on this blog to let H.K. know that he has your support, we want you to do it for him... but we'll keep it all a big secret until the day of the race. He's planning to be there, but he doesn't know that we will be, too.

Here's how you can get involved:

  • Sign up to walk or run: The most fun and exciting way to show your support! We'll get everyone together on the day of the race and surprise H.K. with as many friends, family members, former students, co-workers, and other supporters as possible. The entry fee is $27.00, which gets you a spot in the race, a Race For The Cure t-shirt, and the feeling of knowing that you've helped the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation in their efforts to educate women and men about breast cancer.

    If you'd like to join Harold's Angels, click on the "Register For The Race" link to the right and follow the instructions, or print this form, fill it out, and send it to the team captain (Jessica). We'll provide details on exactly where to send the form in a future post. The deadline for team registration is September 18th, so if you've decided you're in, sign up today!

  • Make A Donation: If you won't be able to make it to the race, but you'd like to make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation on behalf of the team, click on the "Make A Donation" link to the right and follow the instructions. Let's make Harold's Angels a fundraising juggernaut and show H.K. that we're serious about finding a cure for breast cancer!

  • Leave A Comment: Let H.K. know that he has your support by leaving a comment on this blog. Just click the comment link at the end of any post to show your support. We'll present all of the comments to H.K. on the day of the race. (You can even comment anonymously if you'd like.)

Stay tuned to this page for more information as the day of the race approaches. If you have any questions about the team or the race, feel free to leave your questions in the comments section on this blog or check out the Komen Charlotte website for more details.

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