Harold's Angels

Pink is now our favorite color!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Year TWO!

Alrighty, folks... this time it's not a surprise to my Uncle Harold (H.K.), but the "Harold's Angels" Race For The Cure team is back for year two. For those of you who may not know, H.K. was diagnosed with breast cancer in late May of 2006 and has undergone many surgeries and other procedures since then. He continues to battle the disease, but in true H.K. fashion, his faith, his sense of humor, and his strength never waver. We have updated the links on the right, and they should direct you straight to the team page. Please take the time to click on a link and sign up to walk, run, or just make a donation. And if you're unable to contribute, we ask that you at least spread the word among those who do - and those who don't - know our beloved H.K. We want year two to be bigger and better!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Time for Round 2

Harold's Angels is officially up and running for a second year. Mike and I look forward to working with all of you.

To register for the race or make a donation please use the links on the right side of the blog or go directly to our team page at www.komencharlotte.org/goto/haroldsangels. Please, please, please register online if at all possible. If you do not have access to a computer, let one of us know and we'll help you get registered. Online registration is the easiest way for us to keep up with everyone.

We are also looking for t-shirt sponsors again this year. Personal and business donations are welcome. For your donation, you will receive free advertisement on this blog and on the back of the official team t-shirt. If you know of someone that might be interested, please let one of us know and we'll be happy to contact them.

Harold is currently in Alaska on a boy's fishing excursion, but will be back in town soon. If you would like to leave your well wishes for him, just post a comment on the blog and we'll make sure he gets it.

Thank you in advance to everyone for your participation and support. We truly couldn't do it without you.

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